Discover Our Programs & Special Events

We work with excellence toward building a thriving, healthy church congregation—mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

Through special programs and hosting special events, we seek to be known as “that church” who loves people and meets you where you are—whatever the need.

As you read through the programs and events we offer, ask God to impress upon your heart where He would like you to serve. Listen for His still small voice as you discern where He is calling.

Vineyard attendees interacting.

Freedom Class

Freedom is a discipleship group designed to minister to those who struggle with emotional wounds that are holding them back in some way. Serving in this ministry is for those who are called to walk others through significant inner healing.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a biblically balanced approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to our hurts. Serving in this ministry is for people who want to help those struggling with addiction.

Personal Prayer Ministry

Prayer matters. It changes things in ways that we sometimes can’t see or understand. Praying for one another is a powerful way of bearing each other’s burdens and sharing the pain in someone’s heart. VCKC prayer teams are for those who have a passion for prayer and who love to pray for others.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen was one of the first ordained deacons in the early Church who was responsible for providing care and ministry to those in need. Stephen Ministry at VCKC is provided for people who need someone to come alongside them as they are going through a crisis, providing a place to process and pray over the long term.

Marriage Mentoring

At VCKC, we want to help connect couples to build stronger marriages. We provide marriage mentoring for couples who need someone to come alongside them in order to help themdraw closer to each other and to God.

Do you have an anticipated hospital stay?

Submit a pastoral request to Tim Mathia for additional information and support.

supporting those in need

At VCKC, we’re dedicated to offering financial support and benevolence to anyone who finds themselves in need. Our aim is to provide relief and assistance during difficult times, fostering a spirit of solidarity and community care among us all.